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The Importance of Moving Bowels Regularly

17 Aug

Normally, I do not experience problems moving my bowels. So, when a friend of mine told me that she typically only moved her bowels every 2-3 days, I was kinda surprised. I’ve come across many health articles saying that it is important to be able to move one’s bowels at least once or twice daily. If not, the body becomes a breeding ground for all sorts of illnesses and attacks. Why is that so?

Our large intestine or colon absorb water and salts from the food we eat. If we do not pass out these bowel contents regularly, more water is absorbed, resulting in the bowel contents becoming harder and drier. This can easily result in constipation. The wastes that stay in our colon for long periods can also be harmful, as these can cause inflammed and hardened gut wall.

This is also why we need to drink a lot of water each day, to ensure smooth bowel movements. For those who have problems with bowel movement despite drinking lotsa water, take fibre and bulking agents (e.g. psyllium husks) which can soften the stools.

Recently, I’ve been drinking this detox drink – “Cleanse”, which consists of mainly soluble and insoluble dietary fibre. One of its main ingredients is psyllium husk. I’ve previously tried other detox drinks which taste awful and gave me terrible stomache the following morning. “Cleanse”, which is in peach flavour, taste really nice and the morning-after stomach pain is also more tolerable (Not everyone will experience stomache as some of my drinks who drank this do not experience stomache at all).

Anyone’s who interested to get a box, leave me a comment. Retail price is S$30 per box, which comes with 15 sachets.

Oh, did I mention that detox will also help slimming? Start your detox regime today! πŸ˜‰

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Vigorous exercise @ night is bad!

4 Jul

Some of you may be familiar with the Merdian Organ Clock (the practice is known as ζ—Άι—΄ε…»η”Ÿζ³•). In short, it is about doing the right things at the right time, so as to maximise your body’s natural healing system. I read this from an article from June’s issue of γ€Šε₯εΊ·No.1》, a SPH health publication which was launched in December last year. The theory of the Meridian Organ Clock originated from γ€Šι»„εΈε†…η»γ€‹ – the Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor, which is an ancient Chinese medical text that has been treated as the fundamental doctrinal source for Chinese medicine for more than two millennia and until today (Source: Wikipedia).

Very briefly, these are the things we should do relative to the time our meridian / organ is functioning most optimally:


11pm – 1am [Gall]
Must sleep to recharge and detoxify

1am – 3am [Liver]
Remain in deep sleep to ensure sufficient ζ°”θ‘€. Women who sleep late are more prone to problems with the breast.

3am – 5am [Lung]
Must be deep and sound asleep to ensure healthy lung functions.

5am – 7am [Large Intestine]
Good to move the bowels to remove toxins.

7am – 9am [Stomach]
Eat breakfast during this period to ensure optimal absorption of nutrients.

9am – 11am [Pancreas]
Good to work, learn or exercise as we are energetic during this period. Drinks lots of water as it can be absorbed maximally.

11am – 1pm [Heart]
Don’t tire yourself too much. Good to rest or go out for lunch. Take a power nap (less than 30 mins) to protect your heart.

1pm – 3pm [Small Intestine]
Can work and learn optimally, due to the absorption of nutrients at lunch.

3pm – 5pm [Bladder]
Prone to tiredness. Good to drink lots of water, or exercise to excrete water.

5pm – 7pm [Kidney]
Conserve energy during this period. Eat dinner and engage in activities that relaxes your mind. No vigorous exercise.

7pm – 9pm [Circulation]
Remain relaxed. Read, listen to music, chit-chat etc. Avoid vigorous exercises and shows that are too exciting.

9pm – 11pm [Triple Warmer]
Relax your mind and ensure a peaceful state before sleep.


Believe it or not, there is really no harm trying to work your organs correctly. E.g. sleeping before 11pm everyday. It is hard, but if it is going to help us detoxify and stay healthy, maybe we should make that effort. πŸ™‚

Look at the below article for your organ working hours!